Wednesday, April 7, 2010

" Fashion fades;style is eternal"

Trend: strappy high boots.

$2800 swarvoski pumps worn by Beyonce,Queen Be.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Fashion through media.

Is Amy Winehouse consider a fashionable person? Yes why not. She is sending out a message that she doesn't care what the world have to say. She can walk out of her house with a nice outfit or even with a backward shirt and people would still talk.
Celebrities tend to be a big influence in "what is in." For instance, in the 80s Madonna and Michael Jackson were the biggest fashion icons. Now we have celebrities like Lady gaga, Rihanna and Kanye West who advertise designers in their music videos.
Lady Gaga's new video, Telephone, promotes a lot of companies from Pepsi, VIrgin mobile and etc. She even re-enacts parts of Michael Jackson's video, Bad,(2:13) emphasized that the king of pop is still remember and considered a fashion icon.

What is Fashion?

Question: What is Fashion?
Answer: When the mind thinks outside of the box!

It shows your thinking is modern and flexible.
Everything you put on sends a message.

Theres no escaping fashion;even if you say you don't care about fashion and don't dress to make a statement, you are making a statement (that you don't care about fashion).“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”

Fashion is Creativity.